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Calumo Continuous Improvement Days (“CI-Days”) are offered to existing Calumo customers. These Customers may take advantage of this offer by adding CI-Days to their existing subscription. CI-Days are available as an annual subscription.


After you confirm your decision to take up this offer, Calumo will add your CI-Day package to your existing Calumo account – EITHER adding $1,500 to your Calumo-as-a-Service subscription OR introducing a monthly subscription fee if you are a Calumo-on-your-Premises customer. We have a program of works to consider with you ranging from health checks, to training programs and expansion activities. We will agree up-front how our monthly CI time together will develop.

We will work with you to schedule timing to have an expert with you either in person or remotely for one full day per calendar month. The purpose of CI-Days is to drive meaningful continuous improvement work with you, your team and your systems every single month. It is the responsibility of both organisations to agree the time to be spent. Hours do not carry over from month to month.


As always, we want to be completely transparent. We are making this offer as a result of our continuing discussions with clients just like you. They’ve told us that there is great value in regular engagement in improvement that ‘does something’ but say they need some encouragement to make sure it happens. From our perspective, we know how much more you can be doing with Calumo and nothing makes us happier than seeing our clients take Calumo to new heights of relevance and importance in their organisations. When that happens, we know our people (you) are winning and Calumo is being used to greatest advantage in your organisation.

We’re prepared to invest in this because it is so aligned with our values, and, hopefully you will too. With a product as powerful and flexible as Calumo we cannot overstate the value of regular engagement on applying it to all kinds of applications in your business. When you take up this subscription you draw a line in the sand and mark your team’s diaries on when focus turns to applying Calumo toward your maximum advantage.


If you are interested, email us your contact details and we will be in contact to plan your first CI-Day!