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How Multinationals Can Improve Global Transfer Pricing Forecasts to Address a Changing Global Economy

The onset of COVID-19 initiated a series of events around the world that changed markets overnight and saw governments scrambling to react. The multiple fallouts will likely impact how transfer…

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How Multinationals Can Improve Global Transfer Pricing Forecasts to Address a Changing Global Economy

Is Social Whitepaper Transferpricing Resource

The onset of COVID-19 initiated a series of events around the world that changed markets overnight and saw governments scrambling to react. The multiple fallouts will likely impact how transfer pricing teams within multinational enterprises (MNEs) operate on a permanent basis. Savvy businesses will adapt and thrive; rigid businesses will not.

Here are the main considerations for transfer pricing teams in the post-COVID era:

  1. The importance of quickly adapting intra-company pricing whenever internal global supply chains are disrupted
  2. How to balance P&Ls across the organization while also revisiting Advance Pricing Agreements when economies are disrupted
  3. How to plan for potential unseen strings attached to government assistance in the markets
  4. Why greater visibility, more nimbleness, better forecasts, and gradual intervention are the right approach to being more proactive with transfer pricing
  5. How operational transfer pricing enables this increased agility by linking strategy to execution

In this whitepaper, you will learn how to incorporate these points into tax strategies and transfer pricing to not only come out of the pandemic stronger than before, but weather future storms even more effectively.

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